Thursday, June 24, 2010


After 2 years of (sometimes hard) work, I took a long break of over a week. In fact I'd kind of forced myself to take it even though I had not made any concrete travel plans, as I had really become tired and jaded and needed to be by myself for a while.

So other than a 3 day temple tour, I was at home. Sure, I managed to finish a lot of chores which I am unable to sacrifice my precious sunday for, but for the last two days I just stayed at home. And realised what a relief that can be. Knowing to appreciate the joy of just living in the place that was after all,meant for living is surprisingly one that many people do not enjoy!

But not me. Spending the entire day at home once in a while is very much my cup of tea! And speaking of tea, what I love most of all about a weekday holiday is the morning (and a cup of mom's sweet milky tea!). As I'm not one to wake up late on holidays, I thoroughly enjoy the morning hours especially on weekdays when I am home so that I can watch the world go by. I watch people ready for work, standing in wait for their buses as I pass them on my morning walk and wonder how I look as I live my life on suburban railway time each morning. As I watch from the terrace, I see kids with shiny shoes waiting for their schoolbus and am reminded of my own blessed childhood days! I watch the grocer nearby open his store and wonder about how he manages to make a living.

Basically, I love to take a break from the usual hustle and bustle of daily life and think unconventional thoughts on a Wednesday morning. Maybe its just the feeling of having the leisure of doing so that's pleasurable. Maybe its just that I'm a morning person(yes, thats a word! Google it.) But I find that after that Wednesday, I am a much calmer person as I return to life from my break and am more inclined to say "Good Morning" and mean it!

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