Monday, February 23, 2009


So just today on the ride to work, my close friend Deepa and I started talking about loneliness. And I am not talking about anything romantic...but just plain loneliness...and how people deal with it. And I realised, how difficult it is for most people to learn to be alone. Even for a little while. I guess it comes with experience..but in the last few years, I have not had too m any problems with it..because I've been kind of used to it. I mean, I have learnt especially in the last 2 years away from home, that I don't always need someone to talk to...which is the complete opposite of the chatterbox I was as a kid (and sometimes still am!)

I guess shifting schools and my college life made me learn a lot bout being, just by yourself. I realised that one's own company was better than being with just ANYONE else. Deepa used to find it odd in hostel that I would go out all alone to temples! Now I understand why it could be wierd.

But there is strange consolation in learning to be alone. Nowdays, when I am alone I find a strange sense of calm sweeping over me. I know that I have enough people in my life to make me happy. But more importantly I realise, they don't have to be around me all the time.

1 comment:

  1. cant agree with u more....

    I have gone thro the same.... but nowadays i find myself indulging in self adulation... too bad though
