Friday, October 14, 2011

Heart Ache

I had decided that my next post would be an unfinished paragraph that I wrote years ago in school. A short piece on how a simple everyday event that I saw, filled me with happiness and made me believe in the goodness of life again.

Obviously I am not getting around to writing that post today:) Well, life's like that...I am sure I will get around to it sometime soon but today I found myself going back to a question that I have asked myself once in the past - can the heart really feel pain? As any self respecting homo sapien of the 21st century I turned to my self proclaimed agony aunt- Google. Only to be met by pages and pages on how a heart attack is actually felt through your arm and not your chest, yada yada yada ( I know I know, 20 years later when reading such stuff will actually fill me with paralysing fear, I will kick myself for it) but for today i discarded them. And dug deeper to find that apparently yes, the heart definitely can feel pain...heartache or heart break, which could mean the loss of love or a loved one could cause enough stress to kill...WOW! And double WOW!

Its so easy to avoid that pain by simply denying it, and worse yet hiding it. But if you decide to be honest about it, it catches up with you. Just like most things in life do. In a slightly warped way, its like the whole karma deal I guess ( I've always avoided saying that because I felt its cliched, life changes:))

But when you think about it, or atleast when I do, I can't think of any other fact that would make us so quintessentially human. Allowing yourself to feel hurt and sad and vulnerable; all of which signifies a temporary loss of self which occurs due to meshing it with another , is what still makes us classify our species into the living beings side of the table as opposed to the contraptions that we have created to run so much of our lives nowdays. And I somehow feel that its only the bold and brave hearted who would allow themselves to feel so.

To feel so is to feel truly human and therefore, to feel so is to have truly lived.