Sunday, March 13, 2011

Time and memory...

It is said that learning something new also involves a process of unlearning the old. I am just realising how true that is in any area of life. This combined with the fact that I am always surprised at how memories are stored in our head have been giving me some pretty surprising experiences of late.

You often hear of how people having a near death experience having their life flash in front of them? Well, such flashes of memories are common in general but it is when certain memories that you didnt know existed, dust themselves out of some forgotten shelf of your memory and make an appearance that you feel slightly rattled.

Over time, I realise that my reaction is only surprise at finding that the memory has been there, stashed away somewhere...and also at the fact that wierdly there is no accompanying feeling or thought associated with the memory. Yet, it is still a bit disconcerting to suddenly, even if its just for a brief instant, not know where you are in time. I guess this feeling of losing track of time is unnatural in itself and is probably what we're all worried about at the end of it all.
Glad am learning to handle it while being vaguely reminded of Harry Potter and the pensieve concept:)