Monday, November 23, 2009

Showers of joy!

The rainy season has just come and gone in Chennai. Well, if you can call it a season that is.For those of us who live south of the Vindhyas, yet east of the Nilgiris (read residents of Tamil Nadu) the rainy season is basically about 10 days of intermittent rain, probably comprising of 4 days of continuous showers. And yet, each time, this North East 'monsoon' is a much awaited affair.

And not for any romantic or even religious reasons! For a very practical one. With no perennial rivers in Tamil Nadu and particularly Chennai, these showers make all the difference for a comfortable, ground-water-rich summer which follows in a few months (and in Chennai summer begins in March if not sooner!)I suppose thats why come October, the rains are the hot topic of the season beating any other events of national or international significance. This year was no different. A late but bountiful monsoon made its appearance in October and continued onto November.

There is something about the rain which attracts us, atleast well, me. I dont understand why "Rainy days and mondays" can get you down(ok, I agree with the mondays part). And I'm like most Chennaiites who will brave the showers even as they make the helpless city resemble a refugee camp, and yet will stop short of saying "Rain Rain go away"! I dont know- there's something about wearing a raincoat and driving in the rain. Something about opening up an umbrella and hearing the patter of raindrops. The same something which fills me with happiness even as I ride in an auto, late at night from Park station (which I could not enter unless I chose to swim past the pool of water at the entrance) to Egmore, watching the rain illuminated by the headlights; although I have left late from work, my bags are wet and the auto is damp.

I guess each rain reminds me of other rainy days from the past. I remember driving to class in the rain in BIM. I remember the heavy rains of 2005 when the entire city was pretty much stuck at home for days and my university exams got delayed. I remember rainy summers from childhood when we made paper boats with the neighbours kids right here in Chennai. I even remember rainy days in Cochin when the premonsoon or "mango" showers would begin as early as April and how every week from May to August, our garden would look refreshed in a new shade of green! (Cochin is part of Kerala; Tamil Nadu's luckier, west-of-the- Nilgiris neighbour which has a real six month long monsoon)

And so, rain will always be welcome, as will be the memories it brings along. For now, am just happy we will have a comfortable summer!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Seaside holiday!

A late post but nevertheless.

After a lot of almost-cancellations, some real cancellations and postponements, we finally got off to a weekend trip to the town of Chirala in AP last month. Two of my friends from college/work and me that is. But the dampened beginning could no way spoil the superb time we had!

Chirala is a charming seaside town on the Bay of Bengal coast known for its lovely beach. We had arranged to stay at the company guest house which is practically on the beach - what more could we ask for! So although we reached at the unearthly hour of two in the morning,we felt welcomed by the roar of the sea nearby. But only in the morning by day light could we see just how close it was!

As planned were off to the beach by seven. The time we had frolicking on the almost private beach was simply amazing.Definitely a welcome, much needed break from the year and a half exile that has been work (exile as in taking days off I mean!) The only thing that could top off the morning at the beach was the yummy breakfast. Dont think I have feasted like that in a long time! Faint memories of the Famous Five on Kirrin beach lingered in my mind.The rest of the day passed well with good company and a short outing to the local market (the place is known for its cotton materials-so just picked up a saree for mom). The high point was spending the evening walking on the beach, the waves curling at our feet - courtesy floodlights provided by the guest house staff!

The next day had just as good a start to the morning. Only, we got more into the mood and sat down near the waves! The amount of sand we brought back in our clothes was a different story of course! Was reminded of doing that as a kid in Visakhapatnam during picnics with many families. We spent the remainder of the afternoon reading in the garden overlooking the beach. Also took time off to go for a stroll and took some good photos.Sunday evening was spent playing cards and listening to music.

When we left on Sunday night, I realised how it feels to never want a holiday to end! If you think about it, it was very simple. No TV or movies or any other entertainment. Just the beach and great company of course! I guess thats a class of holiday in itself!

Anyway the end was slighly bittersweet when we discovered we had booked the ticket for the previous night after boarding the train at 1.00 AM! After some ranting, we finally settled down in the one berth provided and sat through the thankfully short 5 hour journey. But I think I understand - "Real happiness is usually tinged with sorrow; perhaps thats part of its charm" saying. Nothing could take away the time we had.

Manged to finish the book "To kill a mockingbird" by Harper Lee on the trip. Had been wanting to read it in a long time; loved it. Really a different style of writing;and such memorable characters. Definitely recommended.